Saturday, May 28, 2011

Graduation of my freinds son

On Thursday of this week I went to a graduation in Florance Arizona. I have never been to Florance before but it was an adventure.
I would like to think that Denise spirit was there that night watching her son in one of the biggest moments of his life. He is a sweet kid and think she would be proud of her son.
Our kids have been freinds since they were babies.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Madilyn 14th birthday

It your birthday and shout hurry!! I can't believe my big baby born to me May 6, 1997 at 9 pounds is 14. We decide that the theme of this party would be about Spa's. We did facials with Avocados. See the green faces!! Yummy!
She didn't have all of her friends join in but most of them did.
Even her mom and Bf joined in the fun....