Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have been so bad to not blog in so many months. Life has just been so busy between going school at Mesa Community College and being a full time month. This semester has gone quicker than I thought it would.
My best friend birded me in going on a filed trip from Red mountain campus which was on leadership skills. She told me it was an excuse absent from classes and it would good on college application. I thought why the heck not will be interesting to do something different.
One of the activities was getting this group of young adults onto the boat..imaginary with out tipping the boat. We tipped it lost but finally got us all on the plank. Yeah!!
Then next activity we had to take plank of wood across a area without touching the group with a group of people.
See our group. I had to have help from not loosing my balance.
The next activity is considered to more safe than the plank one but it doesn't look like it. Its called the high wire act. It doesn't look as bad as it is when you actually climbing up the ladder.
See, Tonya and Christina climb. Go high! Go!! Its getting harder when start used the pecks to pull your weight up. We are very secure because look at the contraption I am in. I look scary but safe!!

This is what the best friend looks like. Cute! Huh?-----------
What can I say it an adventure? I got all the way up to pull myself up to climb onto the line and I physically couldn't make it. I fell and the ropes lowered me down. Christina was brave and moved on. It wasn't as easy to do and she was scared but stayed to get across to accomplish the goal of reaching the other side.By time she got to other side she was shaking. Then the next task we were suppose to climb and and standing on the top and announce yourself at the top. I thought after last activity Christina was done physical but she pushed on. She got to the top. What a brave determined best friend!
I think this adventure took more out of me more than I realized. I learned more about myself what I know I can accomplish.