Saturday, December 18, 2010

Grade are in for College

I have been real nervous about my grades. I know when I was younger I struggled with my grades because issues going on in my life. Now that I am older it seems to be a different story. Here is my grades for the first semester college and in school over 15years. I know I have been blessed by a Heavenly Father for helping me to achieve to best of my ability.

CPD 150 Strategies for College Success 3.00 Standard Letter Grades B
ENG 081 Basic Writing Skills 3.00 Standard Letter Grades A
MUP 150 Community Chorus 1.00 Standard Letter Grades A
SWU 171 Intro to Social Welfare 3.00 Standard Letter Grades B

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Shea concert

Shea has been so excited for her Orchestra concert. She got a new Christmas dress. She had to even get a picture with a neighbor friend.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My daughter Madilyn

My daughter Madilyn was born May 6 1997. She has become a beautiful young women. She enjoyed singing which has done for a young women project. She is also in Jr.High Kino choir with friends she has known since she was a child. She really enjoys singing.

Boys will be Boys!

We always hear the statement Boys will be boys. This one is true for mine. We had apple pie for Jordan 15th birthday! The boys made some Santa face with the whipped cream.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have been so bad to not blog in so many months. Life has just been so busy between going school at Mesa Community College and being a full time month. This semester has gone quicker than I thought it would.
My best friend birded me in going on a filed trip from Red mountain campus which was on leadership skills. She told me it was an excuse absent from classes and it would good on college application. I thought why the heck not will be interesting to do something different.
One of the activities was getting this group of young adults onto the boat..imaginary with out tipping the boat. We tipped it lost but finally got us all on the plank. Yeah!!
Then next activity we had to take plank of wood across a area without touching the group with a group of people.
See our group. I had to have help from not loosing my balance.
The next activity is considered to more safe than the plank one but it doesn't look like it. Its called the high wire act. It doesn't look as bad as it is when you actually climbing up the ladder.
See, Tonya and Christina climb. Go high! Go!! Its getting harder when start used the pecks to pull your weight up. We are very secure because look at the contraption I am in. I look scary but safe!!

This is what the best friend looks like. Cute! Huh?-----------
What can I say it an adventure? I got all the way up to pull myself up to climb onto the line and I physically couldn't make it. I fell and the ropes lowered me down. Christina was brave and moved on. It wasn't as easy to do and she was scared but stayed to get across to accomplish the goal of reaching the other side.By time she got to other side she was shaking. Then the next task we were suppose to climb and and standing on the top and announce yourself at the top. I thought after last activity Christina was done physical but she pushed on. She got to the top. What a brave determined best friend!
I think this adventure took more out of me more than I realized. I learned more about myself what I know I can accomplish.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


This is my good freind Denise Irene Peel. She was born September 4, 1970 in Mesa, Airzona.

I meet her one day walking home from Edison in fourth grade. She and I were the same age but I was held back in fourth grade.

We became instant freinds and hanged around each other all the time. We talked about everything.
I hung around her house so much that i was considered one of the family which was big for her family.She had five sister including her self. She was the second oldest and was a very gentle spirit. She was shy when she was around others but once you got to know her she was very kind and giving.
We went to school dances together and many hours talking about our lives and dreams
I found out she was in the same Sunday school class as I. They were a bunch of roundy boys who loved to tease us girls. For some reason it got to much most of the time so Denise and I would just hang out during sunday school.
We even played church softball which was a total blast. Our little Sixth Ward did excellant when it came to softball.

Densie got married a couple of years before me and quickly had three children. Her children are Aaron, Mindy (Pass away from SIDS), Erica.
In about 2004 she found out she had Brain cancer. She fought it hard. She even got remarried. Then in March 27, 2006 she passed away..I lost my good freind and sister. I miss her! I miss seeig her smiling face and talking with my freind!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I have always had animals in my life. Growing up the were just a part of my family so I have shared the same traditions with my own kids. We have gone through many kids with loosing them to old age, running away. Max has a great fondness for animals like I do.

Our cat Sox is a funny cat. He thinks he is a dog. He loves to gives kisses if you ask by smacking your lips at him. Then to get loves to go on car rides and sticks his head out the window. He is very loving and one easy going cat.
Yup, we even had a mini cure Chaiwa We named him Taki. He was a sweet little boy but he got sick and died on us. This life was hard for me kids to have him die.

We have a friend for Sox and his name is Parana. He is a kitten but he loves to tackle toes. This means walk near a bed, or sit on the couch you might feel the paw of Parana grabbing at you. When my children deiced to chase him he turns in back on them and runs after them. He also like to get into places he doesn't belong like in a bowl on my table or draws left open. One time he even climbed into the frig . This cat hasn't heard the news Courousity killed the cat. He also like to take rides in the car.
We also have a African Frog-Frogy who has been through a lot. He survived when I his bowl broke and cut my pinkies. I picked him up to place him into another bowl. My son Jordan picked him up one day thinking he was dead but then he hopped out of his hands onto my bed. He chased him down to place him back in the bowl. That what he gets for playing pas sum.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I am a student again

I have heard it said that when one door closes in your life another door opens. This happen for me this year. I wanted to go back to work at Carson working in the cafeteria like I have done for about three years and go to school but Food and Nutation wanted me to work longer. I had to make a hard decision. For me this decision was one of though colors ones hard to make.
Over the years I have made some friends working for the school Pete, Blanca, Jeanie, Anna, Sabrina. Pete we called him the rooster of the hens house cause he worked around all women which he loved being Italian man. I will miss hearing him sing loudly in Italian and teasing with my friend's I made at Carson.
This Last year I worked in dish room running the big monster machine. Every once in awhile I got to play red rover and helped the elementary schools serve lunch. It was a great job while I had it but it time to change.
I always thought about going back to school after I had my children. I thought it might happen when all of my kids were all in school full time. My dream was granted this fall semester at MCC.
Its time for my mind and my spirit to learn some new ideas. My children will not be the only one this year with homework so is there mom. I look forward to the new challenge that will await me. I am nervous to begin again but I know in the end it will be worth it.

Summer time

This summer I got a family pass to the pools for Mesa Public schools. It was a lot of fun playing in the pool during the very hot summer.
My kids enjoyed having there freinds and cousins to go swimming with. Its kept the kids busy and active which was a plus during the boring summer.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The mom I knew the best

The Mom I knew the best went by the name Lucinda Ada Johnson. She was born in July 16Th 1926. She married my father late in 1974 in Nevada. She had five children previous to my father's marriage.

The first time I meet her was around age 4. From an early age I lacked the nurturing and undiscriminating care from a mother could give. Lucinda was the mother of all great ones.

She had beautiful blond hair and always wore red lipstick.

She loved me with all of her being, she loved me like a mom filled with unconditional love for a daughter born from her womb. I bonded so quickly to her that In my mind eye I couldn't separate her from my own real mother nor remember her. I believe that Heavenly Father looked down and saw this great need I had in having a mother guidance and love. So he blessed me in Lucinda care to give me guidance in my small life. She taught me to love unconditional, to forgive, acceptance of others, most of all to love my Savior as my Best Friend. She taught me how to be a good mother.

She gave me a great love for dark chocolate. Every time I taste it richness I am reminded of her eat the specially treat besides my mom. Every time I put on some red lipstick it reminds me of watching her put on her and getting kisses on the forehead.

I didn't get to have her as long as I wanted as a child. for me it would have been forever. I lived with her for only four years of my life which seem so short.

Even as a teenager I reached back to her through letters and many phone calls. As a young adult I tired to be with her as much as possible because to me she was my best friend and my mom.

In April of 2004, she died bravely of cancer. She will forever live as my mom. I love her so very much. There isn't a day I don't miss her and wish I could be besides her being nurtured and loved. One day I hope to see her and run up as fast as I can to throw my arms around her to hug her, to feel of her love. I hope to spend eterity besides her.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My younger days!

My father own horses when I was younger around two I loved being on the animals just as much as my dad enjoyed rasing the horses..

One of my favorite photos I have when I was younger with my two older brothers and I am on a swing. I thought it was the perfect picture of my family I had at that moment.

My Father was raised in Oka, Utah which is a small town up north in Utah and always had animals around. The older I got my dad contiuned with his love of animals from rasing goats, to full breed Siemesse cats, chickens. I think the one thing I gain from my dad is the love of animals that probably why I have two cats, a African frog, Hamster named fluffy. Gota love them animals!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Being a single mom

We all have trails which make us stonger but yet are not so found to of. I would say mine is being a single mom. It has it hidden blessing like covenat time to myself. I have time to rejevant my spirit from being with my kids. I have time to watch programs on Dvd's or t.v without being interupted by children. Yet, the negtive things for me is not having my children around me all the time. Its not having the time my son Max who purposly finds me to tell me "mom love you". This means alot to me speailly when he struggles to talk. It not getting the snuggle time with my daughters.
I have five wonderful children who I wouldn't be the mother I am becasue of them. They have taught me how to love and to forgive in a Christ like way . I learned a better way to teach my children then I grew up with. I learned as a mom I can't be superwomen that I need to rejevant...i need to take care of myself. It easy for me to loose myself in my kids, my work, my freinds.
Its never been easy for me to take care of myself. I have learned from a Heavenly Father which has guided a bf and freinds.
Being a mother has always has had it bitter sweet for me. I was place to have the mother instint but I always craved and wanted more from my own mother who I felt bonded and loved by. I never got all I wanted as a child , teenager. As an adult I have found the naturing I need for my inner child in different ways through the guidince of my father in Heaven.
I just hope one day my trail of being a single mom will be over and I can go on to another change and other trails.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

For the love of the game

Two brothers in the love of the game..

My boys have always enjoyed baseball. It turns my spring into a very busy one with games and practice but it all worth it for the them.

Max my youngest has love baseball since he was 18months old. He would bug you entail you threw a ball so he could hit it with a bat.
Soon, he learned to throw and it was hard. Mom got hit many times in the head. Max has had many examples to watch baseball like his big brother Jordan and his closer Brother Myles.
Myles this year also did very well in Little league. He got picked out to try out for his All stars team which was a first fro him. He was very excited about try out and was very hopeful. He didn't make it this year but hopefully next year he will make it on the All stars team.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My 40th birthday!

My best freind is the one who gave me my fourth party. She did a great job becasue I have never felt so much love . Thanks to all my freind who came to support me the night of Feb 19th . It is one night I will always remember and cherish!!

My freind Natsue and I became freind in high school came to my party and she is living in California. It was great to have her support.

Nora(my step sister) who I was raised with came to support me to. It was great to have her support for my party.

My friend Mindy who I have know since about age 10 came with her husband. My friend who I went to high school Jenny West was there with her cute daughter.

My friend Jennifer sang Avila for my birthday which was a great treat to hear her beautiful big voice. She was the one who made my yummy cake too.

She did a great job even thought she told me the first one had an accident of falling onto the ground. That Okay!!

Monday, February 1, 2010


One monday night in January, I decied to clean the fish bowl with our gold fish and african frog in it. As I picked up the bowl all sudden it busted apart on me. It cut in between both deep red blood dripped quickly from my hands I mangeged to pick up the frog and put him in a bowl of water that I had on the counter. I grabbed some kitchen towels and wrapped up my hands and went next door. I knocked hard with my foot. My kind nighbors called 911..The fire department showed up to wrap up my hands so I could be taken to Urgent care to get stiches in my hands.

I got 5 stiches on my right hand and 4 stiches on my left. This is the only the third time I have stiches in my life. I had them as young as three and as a teenager and now as an adult. It hasn't been fun healing process with the stiches in my hands. I have realized all we do with our hands and I am very thankful to have hands.
When Shea saw my hands in bandges the next day she ran upstaris and was crying . It good to know your children care for you that much!

Align Center

Sunday, January 24, 2010

words are always good to hear

Dear John,

I am not Tonya but really her really good friend who borrowed her log in in name and password from her planner and if she find out will kill me. ( I didn't kill my Bf who wrote this.) She doesn't know I am on her profile or writing you so hopefully you will keep my secret!! If she found out she would probably be embarrassed at what I am about to say about her. ( The truth is when I hear this from my BFF is touch me so much I was brought to tears) I asked her thing went well today at lunch and she said she enjoyed it and would mind giving you a second shot. I also asked her if she was asked why she got divorced and she said yes..and she told her husband was anti Mormon and so she couldn't take it anymore. Tonya, doesn't make a big deal about herself so I thought it was only fair that you know the whole story. Tonya was married in the temple and her marriage lasted 14years! The last 6years of her marriage her husband slowly became inactive and turned to anti Literature , he became more and more angry at the church and often would harass Tonya about believing in something so blindly.
These words are always good to hear specially when I have had to make difficult deasion which have the consequences but also have had many blessing to.