Monday, November 9, 2009

Best blessing

One of our best pictures of two best freinds.. I so admazed that the Lord blessed me with her as my best freind. As many years go bye I hope we continue to stay in our close realtionship.
I looked up in the Urban dictionary what Christina meant it said " The coolest, cutest, nicest girl ever, with the best personality, also very quick witted and very smart. Everyone should get to meet her at least once." I am privilleged to have her as my best freind.

This is one of so many pictures I have of my best freind and I.

You once wrote me in an email "Isn't it funny how we have specific ways of how we feel that we should be blessed with something ( like a best freind) and one day we wake up and realized that we have recieved that blessing (I had you already as my freind in my life) but it had nothing to do with the way we thought it would come? I thought my best freind was going to hit me like a magical wand being hit on the head. It took Heavenly Father smaking me across the head to wake up to the wonderful blessing I had in front of me. I think Heavenly Father knew my heart and my desires and he knew the timing it needed to be in to have that best freind.

I am so greatful that my Heavenly Father saw fit to bless me with a with Christina as my best freind. I know as our freindship has grown close we have had our share of diffculties in the realtionship. I know Heavenly Faher gave me alot of grow being her best freind. It has been best blessing ane at times the harder one.